With apologies, I don't like this picture much, for the following
o The lighting is a bit bland. I think single light source images
have to be stronger in order to be effective. I would have
preferred an additional light source or reflector to provide
some fill in the shadow areas to the left side of the image.
o The exposure isn't optimal -- the highlights on the fruit are
a bit washed out, and there is no detail in the shadow
o I'm not sure that the placement of the light source is
optimal either.
o Unlike other viewers, I don't mind the red background,
but it is flat & uninteresting. I would have preferred some
more things going on, like some draped fabric or the
corner of a picture or something.
o The composition is totally random and is not very interesting
to me. I think a more careful arrangement of objects would
have been called for. There's no "story" here, meaning that
I get no sense of space or lifestyle or ambience.
o Your choice of lenses is a bit questionable: the top tier of
the servicing piece is photographed edge on, but the
bottom tier is a bit from above and appears more oval than
the top tier. I would think that if you are going to photograph
that serving dish edge on, I would have used a telephoto
lens from a greater distance.
Still life studies look simple & easy but in reality are very
difficult. It's difficult to arrange your objects in a meaningful
manner. There is no excuse for not having precise lighting &
I most definitely applaud your interest & willingness to try, and I
encourage you to continue your explorations. Most especially, I
congratulate you on your willingness to obtain feedback from strangers
like me (who may or may not be qualified). Please continue. My
o Take your time in arranging your composition.
o Carefully craft your lighting. Light & shadows are
important in suggesting a third dimension to your
objects, but every shadow should be complimented
with a highlight or an edge.
Carry on.
Post by VindrewLatest picture added to my gallery for your kind review.
Vincent Valle
Proud Supporter of pbase.com